We are a small Engineering Consultancy based in Hampshire dedicated to providing robust solutions in the areas of water supply and distribution.
We offer specialist advice and consultancy services directly to water service providers and on a sub-consultancy basis to other partners.
We can work from our home base or from client offices.
Andrew Wehrle, our Principal Director, is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Environmental Manager with over 30 years experience in the Water Industry working for Water Companies, Water Technology Providers and Water Operational Consulting Specialists globally.
Our areas of expertise includes:- Pressure Management: implementation and maximising the benefits of optimised network pressures (PRVs and Pumps), Water Conservation, Demand Management and Forecasting, Leakage Management and Economics, Network Modelling (Synergi, Infoworks WS, Epanet, Strumap), Network Rehabilitation Investigations and Designs, Water Efficiency Studies, Pump Efficiency and Tariff Management, Development of bespoke Software Tools, DMA design and implementation, Field Operations, Training, Regulatory Auditing...
Providing insight into network performance and delivering solutions to maximise efficiency, achieve customer levels of service at minimimal cost from source to tap.
Experienced network modeller in wide variety of software systems to build models, provide operational understanding and allow option assessments from performance and cost perspectives.
Investigate, recommend and implement control systems to optimise water pressures within networks thereby reducing leakage, burst frequencies, customer contacts and operational costs whilst delivering optimal pressures to customers.
Telephone:+44 (0) 2392 595839
Mobile:+44 (0) 7916 416910
Email: info@smartwatersolutions.co.uk